

Some thoughts on my photography . . .

We all see the world differently and notice different things.  Being a psychoanalyst, I am trained to notice and appreciate the smallest details that another might overlook as unimportant.  I am trained to look in places that others might ignore or resist.  I am intrigued by the mystery of dreams and am driven to make sense of their apparent nonsense.  I take this analytic stance into the world at large and photograph my findings.  An abstract photograph is like a dream that taunts you to find meaning in it.  It is a conundrum that is never, for certain, solved.  That’s what makes it interesting.  One sees something different every time one goes back to it.   Whereas a photograph of a known thing, while it can be enjoyed,  is known and understood immediately.  It does not engage one’s curiosity and one’s need to understand and make sense.  It does not torment. One is apt to finish with it quickly.

A psychoanalyst by day, I see congruence between my sleuthful analytic searching and my uncovering camera, which reveals things or offers a perspective that others may not be aware of; of the things that are outside conscious awareness.  When someone helps us find these little jewels,  we polish them up and try to make sense of them, enjoy them and integrate them.  I want to share the surprise in the ordinary, that which is hidden in plain sight, the beauty in the ugly and the majesty in the mundane.

Thank you for looking and for seeing!


Linda A. Morse

Ottawa, 2012